1 | wan one |
1s | fos first |
2 | tuu two |
2n | sekan second |
3 | chrii three |
3d | toerd third |
4 | fuo four |
4t | fuot fourth |
5 | faib five |
5f | fif fifth |
6 | six six |
6x | six sixth |
7 | sebm seven |
7n | sebmt seventh |
8 | hiet eight |
8t | hiet eighth |
9 | nain nine |
9t | naint ninth |
10 | ten ten |
10t | tent tenth |
11 | lebm eleven |
11t | lebmt eleventh |
12 | twelb twelve |
12b | twelb twelfth |
13 | toertiin thirteen |
13t | toertiint thirteenth |
14 | fuotiin fourteen |
14t | fuotiint fourteenth |
15 | fiftiin fifteen |
15t | fiftiint fifteenth |
16 | sixtiin sixteen |
16t | sixtiint sixteenth |
17 | sebmtiin seventeen |
17t | sebmtiint seventeenth |
18 | hietiin eighteen |
18t | hietiint eighteenth |
19 | naintiin nineteen |
19t | naintiint nineteenth |
20 | twenti twenty |
20t | twentiet twentieth |
30 | toti thirty |
30t | totiet thirtieth |
40 | faati forty |
40t | faatiet fortieth |
50 | fiti fifty |
50t | fitiet fiftieth |
70 | sebmti seventy |
70t | sebmtiet seventieth |
80 | ieti eighty |
80t | ietiet eightieth |
90 | nainti ninety |
90t | naintiet ninetieth |
100 | onjrid hundred |
100t | onjret hundredth |
1000 | touzn thousand |
1000t | touznt thousandth |
1000000 | milian million |
1000000t | miliant millionth |
1/4 | kwaata quarter |
1/2 | aaf half |
hongx ounce |
pong pound |
kiilo kilo |
kwaat quart |
gialan gallon |
dala dollar |
sent cent |
hinch inch |
fut foot |
yaad yard |
mail mile |
kilamita kilometre |
sekan second |
minit minute |
howa hour |
die day |
wiik week |
faatnait fortnight |
mont month |
ier year |
Sonde Sunday |
Monde Monday |
Tyuuzde Tuesday |
Wenzde Wednesday |
Toerzde Thursday |
Fraide Friday |
Satide Saturday |
Janiweri January |
Febiweri February |
Maach March |
hIepril April |
Mie May |
Juun June |
Julai July |
hAagas August |
Septemba September |
hAktuoba October |
Novemba November |
Disemba December |
hoerli early |
liet late |
pahn taim on time |
bifuodie pre-dawn |
dielait dawn |
hiivlinevening |
weda weather |
briizbluo hurricane |
staam storm |
laitnin lightning |
tonda thunder |
man rien heavy rain |
juu drizzle |
at hot |
atat very hot |
kuol cold |
kaul very cold |
mikies hurry up |
pah ies in a hurry |
alidie holiday |
liiv leave |
liili tiny |
biini tiny |
sumaal small |
li little |
likl little |
sumaal likl very small |
winji undeveloped |
dongruo undersized |
shaat short |
midiom medium |
migl medium |
miglin medium |
laaj large |
nof much, many |
uoliip many |
banz many |
taal tall |
lang long, tall |
langilaala very tall |
tap top |
migl middle |
batom bottom |
aastierin very large |
elava extensive |
jraadong reduced |
swingk shrunken |
swelop swollen |
simuud smooth |
jukijuki prickly |
bunununus delightful |
haarait alright |
airi nice, cool |
a to |
pah, pan on |
iina in, into |
for far |
nier near |
bitwix between |
haanda under |
uoba over |
ya, yaso here |
de, deso there |
hop up |
dong down |
rong around |
mongx among |
konchri country, outside Kingston |
tong town, Kingston |
naat north |
sout south |
hiis east |
wes west |
kuos coast |
siisaid beach |
mountn mountain |
il hill |
riba river |
wetiweti wet |
potopoto muddy |
dosi dusty |
ruod road |
paas path |
raktuon stone |
hans ants |
maskita mosquito |
bangkin bank, verge |
laan lawn |
nailan asphalt |
patuol pot-hole |
yaad home |
outaduo outside, outdoors |
hafis office |
shap shop |
aaspital hospital |
dakta shap pharmacy |
otel hotel |
gesous guest house |
tieta theatre |
hariina arena |
shuo show |
Kinston Kingston |
Mantiga Bie Montego Bay |
Mobie Mobay |
Mandivl Mandeville |
Mie Pen May Pen |
Falmot Falmouth |
hAnata Bie Annotto Bay |
Puot Antuoni Port Antonio |
hUochi Rayas Ocho Rios |
Sablamaar Savlamar |
Brongx Tong Brown's Town |
hAligeta Pan Alligator Pond |
Jongshan Junction |
Bag Waak Bog Walk |
Puot Maraya Port Maria |
Raki Paint Rocky Point |
Sin Tamas St. Thomas |
Sin Kiachrin St. Catherine |
Sint An St. Ann |
Sin Mieri St. Mary |
Chrilaani Trelawny |
Sin Jiemz St. James |
Anuova Hanover |
Wesmalan Westmoreland |
Puotlan Portland |
Klarindan Clarendon |
Sint Ilizabet St. Elizabeth |
lakop jail |
wokous prison |
jiel jail |
penitenshri penitentiary |
simitri cemetery |
mi I, me |
yu you |
ih he, she |
im him, her |
i it |
unu you all |
wi we, us |
deh they |
dem them |
ma mother |
mada mother |
muma mother |
pa father |
pupa father |
faada father |
sista sister |
breda brother |
grani granny |
gang-gang grandmother |
nenen grandmother |
grampa grandfather |
hanti aunt |
hongkl uncle |
madahlaa mother-in-law |
faambli family |
waif wife |
ozban husband |
daata daughter, female |
pitni child |
biebi baby |
biebimada child's mother |
washbeli last child |
jakit child of another man, unknown to partner |
swiitaat lover |
mien skwiizcurrent lover |
pasiero friend |
kombolo associate |
paadi friend |
spaar buddy |
brejrin friend |
jinarieshan relatives |
nieshan race |
ai kola light-skinned |
klier skin light-skinned |
brounin brown-skinned person |
niega person of African descent |
red niega light-skinned person of African descent |
bakra white person, ruling class |
kuuli raayal person of African/Indian descent |
chaini raayal person of African/Chinese descent |
babu address to Indian male |
sachin address to Chinese male |
jred Rastafarian |
bobo Rastafarian |
paasn parson, minister |
poliis police |
babilan police, the system, the West |
red siim police |
yuut child(ren), young man |
tiicha teacher |
puosi postman |
puosmisis postmistress |
kongsla councillor |
hempii Member of Parliament |
dan warlord |
laaya lawyer |
mirana address to judge |
kaapral corporal |
saajan sergeant |
hafisa officer |
jaki jockey |
kiapnta carpenter |
ier hair |
farid forehead |
ed head |
fies face |
yai eye |
yailash eyelash |
yaibrou eyebrow |
nuoz nose |
jaa cheek |
mout mouth |
lip lips |
chin chin |
tiit tooth |
iez ear |
iezkaana temple |
iezuol earhole |
nek neck |
nekbak nape |
shuolda shoulder |
an hand, arm |
haampit armpit |
elbo elbow |
ris wrist |
fingga finger |
fingganiel fingernail |
big fingga thumb |
likl fingga pinkie |
marid fingga wedding finger |
chis chest |
bres breast |
said rib cage |
beli abdomen |
tomok stomach |
bak back |
ip hip |
bati buttocks |
byain behind |
krachiz crotch |
leg thigh |
nii knee |
kiaaf calf |
sheng shin |
fut foot, entire lower limb |
hengkl ankle |
futbatam sole |
tuo toe |
bigtuo great toe |
likltuo little toe |
niam eat |
bikl food |
likiliki greedy |
muorish appetizing |
kriebn gluttonous |
ash sharp tasting |
pepa hot tasting |
swiit sweet, tasty |
bita, bichrish bitter |
ruos roasted |
jraa infuse |
bwail boil |
brebij lemonade |
beliwash lemonade |
hais ice |
pat pot |
kekl kettle |
eskobiich style of cooking with vinegar, usually fish |
rondong style of cooking in coconut milk |
redpiiz kidney beans |
gungupiiz congo or pigeon peas |
schuupiiz bean stew |
haxtiel oxtail stew |
koriguot curried goat stew |
sinapa snapper |
saalfish salted cod |
saalting salted meat |
saalbiif corned beef |
bulibiif canned corned beef |
pigtiel pork tail |
joerk puok jerk pork |
sachiz sausage |
kaamii cornmeal |
kaamiipap cornmeal porridge |
tonton polenta |
pudn pudding |
puon pudding |
kiek cake |
bula pastry |
gizaada type of coconut pastry |
jraps type of coconut confection |
kotkiek type of coconut confection |
rak type of coconut candy |
bluu jraaz steamed cornmeal sweet |
dukunu bluu jraaz |
jingx soda pop |
soksok frozen confection |
kriim ice cream |
haki ackee |
tumatis tomato |
kyaarat carrot |
pitieta potato |
kukumba cucumber |
huonian onion |
gyaalix garlic |
skelian escallion |
kuoknat coconut |
ox husk |
grieta grater |
saal salt |
shuga sugar |
hail oil |
siiznin thyme & escallion |
kach banit Scotch Bonnet pepper |
kaafi (tii) coffee |
koko (tii) cocoa |
chaaklit (tii) hot chocolate |
notneg nutmeg |
chaklata left-overs |
krakri tableware |
pliet plate |
supuun spoon |
pier avocado |
asham ground corn confection |
kalalu spinach |
kakshan popcorn confection |
sorop syrup |
suimz shrimp |
pupaa papaya |
tambrin tamarind |
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Adolphe Duperly, Cornwall Street, Falmouth, dagerotaip/daguerrotype
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