Dictionary |
Tel nou, Jumieka Taak a honggl wah huoral languij, paas dong an tu an, chuu wod-a-mout. Di fyuu piipl we chrai fi raiti raiti aal difrah kaina wie so no kaman aatagrafi no de tel ebribadi dis kankluud sei aad fi riid ah rait ah dis no bada widi. So wi no gat no badi a lichicha fi luk pan muo dah fi Klaad Makie ah Luwiiz Benit puoyim an fyuu Nansi tuori ah refrans buk. Kiasidi ah LiPiej, Jamaica Talk, ah Kiasidi, Dictionary of Jamaican English a di habvios exepshan. Wi a-chrai wid dis fi bil pah wa deh du aredi ah opdiet di rekaad wid nyuu wod ah yuusij we hinchajuus sens dem poblish.
Nuot pah di haatagrafi
Di haatagrafi yuuz ya a di Kiasidi-LiPiej sistim, wid slait madifikieshan. Di muos nuotobl dipaacha a di hinchadokshan a h fi riprizent di fainal, saaf niezal soun ina wod laka deh, ih, soh. Far bikaazn Jumieka piipl no taak wan wie bot sebral, frah di Kwiin Ingglish, ar wa wi kaal piiki-puoki, tu braad Patua, som tingz kiah se op tu aal faib difrah wie. Wi chais di muos exchriim voerjan, Jumiekan3, di wan we de di foris frah tandad Ingglish fi rait pah da sait ya. Wi hadap di hinishal "h" soun bifuo vowildem siem wie laka ef smadi ben a-kot di Patua a yaad.
Kraitiiria fi silekshan
Di woddem ingkluud fi dem yuniiknis tu di Jumiekan languij ar fi deh potikila miinin we difrah frah hIngglish. Sens disaya a wah hopin-en prajek, muo wod wi galang had.
Heretofore, Jamaican has been an oral language, passed on by word-of-mouth. The few people that have tried to write it, have used differing systems, with no common orthography. The conclusion has been then that it is difficult to read, so most do not attempt to either write or read it. So we have no body of literature to speak of beyond Louise Bennett, some Anansi stories and a few reference books. Cassidy and LePage's, Jamaica Talk, and Cassidy's, Dictionary of Jamaican English are the obvious exceptions. This then is an attempt to build on what they have done and update the record with new words and usages introduced since they were published.
Note on the orthography
The orthography used here is the Cassidy-LePage system, with slight modifications. The most notable departure is the introduction of h to represent the final, nasalized sound in words like deh, ih, soh. Since Jamaicans have several modes of speaking, from the Queen's English, or what is referred to as "speaky-spoky", to broad patois, some things can be said in up to five different ways. We have chosen the most extreme version, Jumiekan3, the one furthest from standard English in which to write this site. The initial "h" sound before the vowels has been adopted, in the manner of someone speaking patois at home.
Criteria for selection
Words are included for there uniqueness to the Jamaican language or for their
particular meaning differing from English. Since this is an open-ended project, more words will be added continuously.
A | ie |
aadiez | adj. stubborn |
aaduo | n. type of dense wheat bread |
aal | 1. adj. total, whole amount;
adv. completely; 2. adj. even |
aataklaps | n. crisis |
aatiek | n. heartache |
aazwie | adv. always |
abee | interj. a taunt |
abeng | n. Maroon cow-horn instrument |
adahels | adj. other; adv. otherwise |
afuu?/auufa? | inter. whose is it? |
agud | interj. serves you right |
ahuu? | inter. who is it? |
ahush? | inter. which is it? |
ai-an-ai | pron. [~Eng. I and I] Rastafarian first person |
ais | n. ice; v. to hoist, raise
akwad | adj. awkward, clumsy |
alzwel | adv. as well |
anmigl | n. palm |
apachuniti | n. opportunity |
ash | adj. pungent, harsh |
askaadn | prep. according to |
at | 1. adj. hot; v. to heat; 2. v. to hurt, upset; 3. n. hat |
ata | interj. on the contrary |
atop | v. 1.to heat, reheat; 2. to hurt anew, inflame old injury |
awa? | inter. what is it? |
awan | pron. each |
B |
bii |
baba | n. respectful term of address to man |
bada | v. bother; badarieshan, n. hassle, inconvenience |
bafan | adj. awkward, clumsy |
bagamout | n., adj. all talk, no action |
bakra | [~Efik mbakára, white man] n. (white) overseer; adj. relating to supervisory or superior class |
bambai | n. [~Eng. by and by] left-overs |
bangkra | n. envelope-type basket |
banduulu | 1. adj. illegal; 2. n. contraband, unfair dealing; 3. v. to swindle, to evade or circumvent regulations |
banggarang | n. chaos, disorder |
baroz | n. loan; gi a baroz to lend |
baps | adv. suddenly |
beli | 1. n. belly, pregnancy; 2. adj. pregnant |
benop | adj. bent |
bie | adv. only, solely |
bied | 1. v. to bathe; 2.n. beard; biedop, adj. bearded |
biefies | adj. bare-faced, blatant |
biyev | v. to behave |
bigop | v. to greet, praise, commend |
biini | adj. tiny |
bikaaz, kaaz, kaa | conj. because |
bikl | n. [~Eng. victuals] food |
bikomps | v. to become |
bil | n. 1. bill; 2. machete with hooked point; v. 1. to charge to account - See chos; 2. to cut bush or grass with machete |
bilangx | v. to belong to, originate from |
biliib | v. to believe |
blai | n. easement, break, opportunity |
bodi | n. penis; see kaki and
ud |
bombo | [~Temne a-bombo, vagina] interj. expletive, sometimes used with -klaat or -huol |
bos | 1. n. bus; 2.v. to burst; 3. v. to act or express forcibly |
bosop | adj. broken |
braata | [~Sp. barata, cheap] n. gratuitous extra, as in baker's dozen |
braatopsi | n. upbringing |
bragadaps | adv. abruptly |
breda | n. brother |
brejrin | n. friend, associate |
breshi | n. breadfruit |
bringgl | adj. agitated |
brok | 1. adj. broken; 2. adj.
penniless; 3. n. worn, broken or discarded person or object; 4.v. to break |
bunununus | adj. delightful |
bups | n. sugar-daddy |
bupsi | n. kept woman |
butu | 1. adj. uncouth; 2. n. crass person |
Ch |
chii ("c" replaced by "k"; only used with "h" for "ch" sound) |
chaa | v. to chew; chaa-chaa, v. to chew up; adj. chewed-up |
chaka-chaka | [~Shwi tsaka, scatter, shattered] adj. disordered, untidy |
chaklata | n. dinner left-overs served for breakfast |
chengx | n. small piece, sliver; see also tups |
chichi | n. termite; applied derogatively to gay men |
cho! | interj. exclamation of impatience, disapproval |
choch | n. church |
chokop | adj. crowded, cluttered |
chos | v. 1. trust; 2. extend credit, purchase on credit |
chrang | adj. strong |
chrent | n. strength |
chrentan | [~Rasta] n. pork |
chriet | adv., adj. straight |
chuocho | [~Brz. chuchu ] n.
1. type of squash, sechium edule known as christophene in the
Eastern Caribbean, as chayote in Hispanic cultures; 2. vagina |
chups | n. kiss on the cheek |
chuu | 1. adv., prep. through; 2.
adj. true |
chuun | n., v. tune |
chuut | n. truth |
D |
dii |
dah/dan | cnj. than |
de | v. to be in location, state;
to exist |
deh | pron. they |
dem | pron. them; sfx.
1. plural indicator; 2. and company, etal. |
den | adv. then |
dedlef | n. inheritance |
dege | [~Ewe deka] adj.
single, sole |
diidi | 1. n. faeces; 2. v.
to defecate;
see duudu |
disepshos | adj. deceitful |
dopi | [~Fante adopi] n.
ghost |
doti | 1. adj. [~Shwi dote,
soil, earth, clay] dirty, soiled; 2. n. ground |
du | v. to please, satisfy |
dukunu | [~Shwi dukunu] n.
pudding, usually of cornmeal, wrapped in banana leaves |
duudu | 1. n. faeces; 2. v.
to defecate; see diidi |
duufos | n. fool |
dundus | n. albino |
dwii | v. to do it |
E |
hii |
eba | adj., adv. ever, always |
ebi | adj. heavy |
ebn | n. heaven |
ed | n. head |
e! | interj. expression of disbelief |
ei! | interj. hey! |
el | n. hell |
elaba | [~Am. Eng. helluva] adj. superlative |
eng | v. to hang; eng-pah-niel, adj. ready-made; n. ready-made clothing |
esn | n. perfume |
exkiep | v. to escape |
F |
hef |
faaliitii | v. to suffer for transgression, come to a sorry end. See also fene, tata |
faambli | n. family, relative |
faas | adj. inquisitive; v. to
interfere |
fala-fashin | 1. adj. imitative; 2. n. copycat |
fasi | 1. adj. afflicted with sores; 2. n. dermal infection, sore |
fene | v. to suffer consequence, feel pain. See also faaliitii, tata |
fengki-fengki | adj. weak, indecisive,
insubstantial |
fiesi | adj. rude, impertinent |
fiet | n. 1. fate; 2. faith |
fiilop | v. to handle, to grope |
finggl | v. to fondle, finger |
fip | n. unit of colonial coinage |
flim | n. film |
floxi | adj. inferior, unsatisfactory |
for | adj., adv. far |
fos | adj., adv. first |
frenop | v. to befriend |
fufu | [~Yoruba] n. mashed yam |
fulop | adj. filled, full; v.
to fill |
fululups | n. nonsense, folly |
G |
jii |
gaa | v. to go to |
gaagan | n. chief, supreme |
galang | v.1. to behave; 2. to
dismiss |
gens | prep. against |
gial | n. girl |
ginigag | n. powerful leader |
gizaada | [Puot. guisado] n.
grated coconut pastry |
gobament | n. government |
gofi | v. to go for, plan, intend |
grabalishos | adj. grasping, greedy |
guol | n. 1. goal; 2. gold |
guop | v. to go up, ascend |
guot | n. goat |
guzu | [~Kimbundu, nguzu, power,
strength, force] n. magic, spell |
gyaadn | n. garden |
H |
iech |
haatikal | adj. top, leading |
howa | 1. n. hour; 2. pron. our |
huol | 1. whole, entire; 2. n. hole;
3. v. to hold |
huola | adj. whole |
I |
hai |
i/it | pron. it |
iel | v. to greet |
iejobl | adj. mature, as in person |
ier | n. year |
ies | n. haste, hurry |
iez | n. ear |
ih | pron. he, she |
iibn | adj., adv., v. even |
iibnin, iivlin | n. evening |
iipa | pron. many, much; uoliipa very many |
im | pron. him, her |
J |
jie |
jangga | [~Bakweri] n.crayfish |
jeri | v. to taunt, jeer |
jesta | v. to joke, make fun of |
jimskriichi | n. underhand deal; v. to finagle |
jinal | n. con-man, trickster |
jonjo | n. fungus |
jraafut | adj. lame |
jred | 1. adj. of concern; 2. pertaining to Rastafarians; 3. n. Rastaman |
jresbak | v. to reverse |
jresdong | v. to shift position |
jriepop | v. to accost |
juk | [~Fula chuk] n.jab, stick; v. to jab, stick |
K |
kie |
kach | n. prop, support, temporary
accommodation; v. to prop, lean, support |
kaka | [~Fr., Sp., caca, excrement]
interj. expletive |
kaki | n. penis; see bodi
and ud |
kalaban | n. bird trap, in the form
of four-sided pyramid of twigs |
kaskas | n. argument, controversy |
kata | [~Kikongo nkata] n. coil of cloth or banana leaf to carry burdens on the head |
kech | v. 1. to catch; 2. to arrive |
kiangkro | n. turkey vulture, applied in contempt to persons |
kin | 1. v. to turn (out/over), expose;
2. n. skin |
klier | adv. all the way; gaan klier, to succeed |
kliin-kliin | adv. completely, totally |
kobich | adj. greedy, miserly; kobichuol, n. depression at back of head where skull meets neck |
koh/kom | v. to come |
kombolo | n. companion |
komiin | v. to appear, seem |
kongk | [~Mandinka] v. to rap on the head |
koruochiz | [~Am. Sp. corotos,
playthings, tools, trash] n. belongings, junk |
kot | n. cut; v. 1. to cut; 2. to speak fluently |
kraa | v. to scratch |
kraal | n. enclosure, animal pen |
kraasiz | [~Eng. crosses] n. problem, trouble |
kraps | n. scrap (pl. krapsiz) |
kreng-kreng | [~Fante kereng-kereng, basket] n. basket hung over stove for drying, smoking meat |
krips | adj. crisp |
krumuujin | adj. mean-spirited |
ku | v. look; ku de look there; ku ya look here |
kunumunu | n. simpleton |
kuoko | [~Shwi kooko] n. 1.
edible aroid root, colocasia esculenta and c. antiquorum; 2.
bump on the head; 3. kuoko bred, flat, folded bread, buttered before
baking |
L |
hel |
laaf | v. to laugh; laaf afta to laugh at, to ridicule |
laba-laba | adj. garrulous, indiscreet |
laik | v. to like; laik aaf to be attracted to someone, be soft on |
lamps | v. to fool, deceive |
langilaala | adj., n. very tall person |
layad | adj. lying; n. liar |
leginz | [~French legumes, vegetables] n. bunch of seasonings, viz. escallion, thyme |
letis | n.1. lettuce; 2. latticework |
liin | adj. inclined, not perpendicular |
lou | v. to allow, permit |
M |
hem |
maaga | adj. thin, emaciated |
maasa | n. master, sir |
magij | n. maggot, worm |
madi-madi | adj. slightly mad, eccentric |
maka | n. thorn, prickle; maka-maka, thorny bush |
maki | [~Shwi makye] interj. morning greeting |
ma(m) | n. polite term of address to woman |
mampaala | n. effeminate man |
manazebl | adj. polite |
mashalaa | n. martial law, sanctions |
masakraa | n. massacre, rout |
masi | n. mercy |
meke-meke | adj. sloppy, messy |
mongx | prep. among |
musmus | n. mouse |
N |
hen |
naat | n. 1. north; 2. nought, zero |
nenge-nenge | v. to nag |
niam | [~Shwi enyam, yam] n. to eat |
nof | adj. many; n.large amount |
notn | n. nothing |
nuoz | n. nose; nuoznaat, n. nasal mucus, snot |
nyaamps | n. useless, worthless person |
O |
uo |
okro | [~Igbo okuro] n. okra, hibiscus esculentus |
olo | n. fabrication, deception |
onggl | adj., adv. only |
onggri | adj. hungry; ongribeli, n. greedy person |
orikumop | n. parvenu |
outa-aada | adj. impudent |
P |
pii |
paadna | n. 1. partner, friend; 2. indigenous savings plan |
paan | v. to grab, seize |
pah/pan | prep. on, upon |
paki | [~Shwi apakyi] n. calabash, gourd, bowl made from such |
palaava | [~Puot. palavra, word, speech] n. conversation; v. to converse |
paravencha | adv. maybe, perhaps |
pasiero | n. friend |
patu | n. owl |
pempeni | adj. plentiful |
piiki-puoki | adj. given to speaking Queen's English; n. affected speech |
piiniwali | n. firefly |
pinchikuobi | adj. stingy, parsimonious |
pinda | [~Kikongo mpinda] n. peanut |
pitni | [~Puot. pequeno, small] n. child, young one |
poerpos | adj. deliberate, wilfull |
poto-poto | n. mud |
praaps | adv. perhaps |
preke | n. calamity |
prips | n. tip, preview; prips aaf, v. to tip off, advise |
pum | [~Shwi epim] n. vagina var. pumpum, pim |
pupalik | n. somersault; kin pupalik, v. to somersault |
puos | v. 1. to fail to turn up, no-show; 2. to mail; n. post |
puosn | exp. supposing? what if? |
pusi/puusi | n. expletive, sometimes used with -klaat or -uol |
putus | n. term of endearment applied to females
R |
haar |
raa | interj. short form of raatid |
raas | [~Fula ras, buttocks] interj. expletive, sometimes used with klaat or huol |
raatid | interj. exclamation of surprise, pleasure; tu raatid for emphasis |
ramp | v. to play; rampifai, adj. playful; rampin, n. play |
redai | adj. envious, covetous |
rispans | adj. responsible |
ron dong | v. 1. to argue insistently; 2. to chase |
rondong | n., adj. method of cooking with coconut milk, traditionally with pickled mackerel |
ruku-ruku | adj. shaky, unsteady |
ruudnis | n. coitus; v. to have sex |
S |
hes |
sa | n. polite term of address to man |
saab | v. to serve |
sabi | [~Sp. saber] v. to know |
sadamait | n. lesbian |
samfai | n. swindle, swindler; v.
to swindle, hoodwink |
se | pron. that, following cognitive verbs such as biliib, kansida, nuo, sospek, tingk, etc. |
senfa | v. to request, summon |
sensobl | adj. sensible |
setaan | n. provocateur |
shuo | 1. n. show, movie; 2. v.
to show |
sidong | v. to sit |
simuud | adj. smooth |
sinting | pron. something |
sipl | adj. slippery |
sitieshan | n. situation |
sitn | pron. something |
sheda | n. shadow |
skailaak | v. to loaf, goof off |
smadi | pron. someone, person |
soh/som | pron. some |
sop | v. to put up with, tolerate indignity |
stuoshos | adj. showy, impressive |
sumail | n., v. smile |
suoso | adv. only, solely |
sus(u) | n., v. gossip |
swiit | v. to please, amuse; swiitop, v. to flatter, seduce; swiit-mout, v. to flatter; n. glib or persuasive tongue |
T |
tii |
taament | v. to annoy |
taat | n. 1. thought; 2. start; 3. tart, usually with plantain filling; v. to start |
tab | v. to stab |
talawa | adj. strong, sturdy |
tan | v. to stay |
tanop | v. to stand |
tantodi | v. to settle down, be still |
tap | n., v. stop |
tapanaaris | adj. upper class; n. society person |
taris | n. tiled floor |
tata | [~Ewe] n. father, grandfather; v.
to suffer consequence, pay dearly. See also faaliitii, fene |
tatu | n. shed, makeshift structure |
tegereg | n. loud, abusive person |
tep | n., v. step |
tong | n. 1. tongue; 2. town, usually referring to Kingston |
tups | n. small amount; see chengx |
twisop | adj. twisted |
U |
yuu |
ud | n. penis; see bodi and
kaki |
uk | n. hook |
unu | [~Igbo unu] pron. 2nd person plural, collective "you" |
uol | adj. old |
uoliip | adj., n., pron. very many,
plenty |
uona | adj. own; n. owner
uu | pron. who |
V |
vii |
vailens | n. violence |
vijan | n. vision |
voerjan | n. version |
W |
doblyu |
wai! | interj. expression of amusement or surprise |
wala-wala | v. to wallow |
walef | n. remainder |
wapn-bapn | adj., n. poorly constructed, thrown together |
wara | int. pron. why, for what |
wentaim | adv. whenever |
wiini | adj. small |
winji | adj. undersized, shrunken |
wis | n. vine |
woi! | interj. expression of despair |
Y |
wai |
ya | adv. here |
yaa | adv. conclusive indicator, perhaps derived from you hear? or yes? |
yaad | n. 1. home; 2. yard |
yaba | n. earthenware pot |
yai | n. eye |
yeri | v. to hear, pay attention |
yunifaam | n. uniform |
Z |
zed |
zumbi | n. zombie |
zutupek | n. monster |