DIFFERENTIATION / DIVISION / SEPARATIONRelated States & Conditions | Syntonic | Dystonic |
Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes. In the sky there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true. The narrow-minded man thinks and says: “This man is one of us; this one is not, he is a stranger.” To the man of noble soul the whole of mankind is but one family. The Perfect Way is only difficult for those who pick and choose. Do not like, do not dislike; all will then be clear. Make a hairbreadth difference, and Heaven and Earth are set apart. The perfect Way’s like boundless space If you want to get the plain truth, The truth of Brahman may be understood intellectually. But (even in those who so understand) the desire for personal separateness is deep-rooted and powerful, for it exists from beginningless time. It creates the notion, “I am the actor, I am he who experiences.” This notion is the cause of bondage to conditional existence, birth and death. It can be removed only by the earnest effort to live constantly in union with Brahman. If you want to avoid experiencing reversal, just cut off dualism; then measurements cannot govern you. You are neither Buddha nor sentient being; you are not near or far, not high or low, not equal or even, not going or coming. Just do not cling to written letters that obstruct It, and neither side can hold you. You will escape both pain and pleasure, and escape the opposition of light and dark. The minute you fixate on the recognition that “This is ‘it’,” you are immediately bound hand and foot and cannot move around anymore. So as soon as it is given this recognition, nothing is right, whatever it may be. If you don’t fixate on recognition, you can still be saved. When light and dark are merged without division, who distinguishes relative and absolute herein? Thus it is said, “Although the absolute is absolute, it is relative as well, although the relative is relative, it is complete as well.” At this precise moment, how do you discern? How clear – twin shining eyes before any impulse! How stately – the eternal body outside forms! “I” and “you” focus light “I” and “you” throw a When is a man in mere understanding? I answer, “When a man sees one thing separated from another.” And when is a man above mere understanding? That I can tell you: “When a man sees All in all, then a man stands beyond mere understanding.” The small mind contains only illusions of separateness, of division. It imagines myriad objects and defines truth in terms of relative opposites. Big is defined by small, good by evil, pure by defiled, hidden by revealed, full by empty. If you rely on the differences in teachers and see the differences in persons, you are misled by blind teachers into reifying Buddha, Dharma, Zen, Tao, mysteries, marvels, functions, and states. One way and another this glues your tongue down, nails your eyes shut, and constricts your heart. Abominating hell Having a mind means having an ego, which means seeing others as others and self as self. When you view yourself as separate from others, you seek advantage for yourself without regard for loss to others. You become crafty and wily, your personal desires multiply at random. Your natural goodness is lost. Where there is beauty, there is ugliness. There are no differences but differences of degree between different degrees of difference and no difference. The earth has one surface … Man has set up and established these imaginary lines, giving to each restricted area a name and the limitation of a native land or nationhood. By this division and separation into groups and branches of mankind, prejudice is engendered which becomes a fruitful source of war and strife. As manifested beings we appear to be separate, but our reality is one, and the less we think of ourselves as separate from that One, the better for us. The more we think of ourselves as separate from the Whole, the more miserable we become.
We, as personalized, differentiated beings, forget our reality, and … not that we shall give up these differentiations, but we must learn to understand what they are. We are in reality that Infinite Being, and our personalities represent so many channels through which this Infinite Reality is manifesting Itself; and the whole mass of changes which we call evolution is brought about by the soul trying to manifest more and more of its infinite energy. I am thoroughly convinced that no individual or nation can live by holding itself apart from the community of others, and whenever such an attempt has been made under false ideas of greatness, policy, or holiness – the result has always been disastrous to the secluding one. Honest differences are often a healthy sign of progress. Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue to exist, a wonderful living side by side can grow up, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible for each to see each other whole against the sky. When we go deep enough or high enough, we meet. It is only on the surface that we differ and sometimes clash. True, we do not always find our way to the depth or the height, or we do not take the trouble to do so. Man makes himself miserable by separating himself from others. Separation is death. Unity is life. The way of salvation cannot lie in melting people down into a mass, but on the contrary in their separation and individuation. Objects and names and forms are but the expression of vibrations in different aspects. Even all that we call matter or substance, and all that does not seem to speak or sound – it is all in reality vibration. You cannot separate the just from the unjust and the good from the wicked; I know the dark delight of being strange, Assuredly, all the disciplines of the mind and all the sciences of man are equally precious and their discoveries mutually so, but this solidarity does not mean confusion. What is important is to integrate the results of the diverse applications of the mind without confounding them. The surest method … is still that of studying a phenomenon in its own frame of reference, with freedom afterwards to integrate the results of this procedure in a wider perspective. Associations formed on this earth are not necessarily for the duration of the lifespan. Separation takes place constantly, and as long as it takes place lovingly, not only is there no spiritual injury, but spiritual progress may actually be helped. The greatest tragic factor in history is man’s apparent need to mark the intensity of his reaction to life by joining a band; for a band, to give itself definition must find a rival or an enemy. We go on believing we are separate. We are not – not even for a single moment. Drop the idea of separation – and the fear of death disappears. If you become one with the whole you will live forever. You will go beyond birth and death. Nature is intricately and infinitely connected. The minute I name something and begin to regard it as a separate entity, I break this unbreakable unity. So that which makes it possible for us to seek truths about the universe and about ourselves has within itself the guarantee that we will never be able to find the Truth. Our knowledge must be forever fragmented, because that is the nature of systematic knowledge. The sharing of joy, whether physical, emotional, psychic, or intellectual, forms a bridge between the sharers which can be the basis for understanding much of what is not shared between them, and lessens the threat of their difference. In community, instead of being ignored, denied, hidden, or changed, human differences are celebrated as gifts. Your intellect feels discontent The effort to separate ourselves whether by race, creed, color, religion, or status is as costly to the separator as to those who would be separated … The task that remains is to cope with our interdependence – to see ourselves reflected in every other human being and to respect and honor our differences. What is actually experienced is already a seamless Whole. Consciousness divides it. And, of course, the most basic division is “me” and “everything else,” self and other. Consciousness not only divides the world spatially, it also divides it temporally. We thus imagine past, present, and future, and the persistence of separate objects. The realization that you are “different” from others may force you to disidentify from socially conditioned patterns of thought and behavior. This will automatically raise your level of consciousness above that of the unconscious majority, whose members unquestioningly take on board all inherited patterns … Being an outsider to some extent, someone who does not “fit in” with others or is rejected by them for whatever reason, makes life difficult, but it also places you at an advantage as far as enlightenment is concerned. It takes you out of unconsciousness almost by force. For most … the stark visibility of the seen world affects their perception of the unseen world. Discrimination begins when you say that you can touch this and that, and therefore the tangible begins to supercede the reality of the intangible. We actually live in a sea of energy – a vast, seamless, unbroken landscape, broken up into separate, disconnected objects by our sense-perception. We ourselves (our bodies) are simply “patches” and specific patterns of energy within this vast energy landscape. How do you expect to change the world The root of everything is only one. I will tell you where the first separation takes place: in the real and deep sense, there is only “I.” “I” knows that “It” is: “I am.” That’s the first separation. “It” knows that “It” exists. The next separation is “I” and “you,” and so it goes on. |
This cross-index may help identify and delineate more closely subjective realities often hard to pin down.
Related States & Conditions | Appearance/Form | Belief/Religion | Choice/Volition | Comparison/Competition | Conflict/Opposition | Criticism/Judgment | Diversity/Multiplicity, Focus/Intention, Identity, Individuality, Initiative, Polarity/Contrast, Relativity, Solitude, Value/Worth |
Syntonic | Acceptance | Attention/Awareness | Collaboration/Synergy | Communication | Compassion/Empathy/Kindness | Connection/Interbeing/Interdependence | Equanimity, Exploration, Flexibility/Flow/Flux, Forgiveness, Friendship, Humor/Laughter, Listening, Love-Agape, Oneness/Unity/Wholeness, Openness/Receptivity, Respect, Tact/Discretion, Tolerance |
Dystonic | Avoidance/Denial/Refusal | Complacency | Conformity | Delusion | Distraction/Diversion, Fault, Fear, Habit, Jealousy/Envy, Limitation, Oppression, Revenge, War/Aggression/Violence |
Pardon us for the Author links which do not work and incomplete Subject cross-references. This is a life-work-in-progress and, like Penelope's tapestry, proceeds bit by bit. - Webmeister |
Wisdom for The Soul: Five Millennia of
Prescriptions for Spiritual Healing , © 2004