Soul Ventures
  • Developing I-sight, a synthesis of universal wisdom, time-honored metaphysics and cutting-edge thinking for increased awareness
  • Gnosophia Publishers, small press for universal wisdom
  • Speaker on spirituality, metaphysics, new paradigm, social justice
  • Workshops on spiritual identity, marketing, self-publishing, imagineering, Wisdom Cards
  • Counseling for realization, spiritual growth and unfoldment

The challenge seems to be one of overcoming the fear of the unexplored territory that lies ahead, and finding the courage and optimism to illuminate the spiritual dimension hidden within our nature. For it is the intuitive, radarlike quality of this transcendent faculty that will help to guide us through the darkness of the unknown – illuminating our minds and awakening our hearts to the splendor of a new consciousness.
~ Vilayat Khan ~

We are at the leading edge of evolution. We have a responsibility to explore the impact of this on consciousness, to apply this information and to transmit it to others with joy and wonder.

SoulVentures is an attempt by Larry Chang to combine his insight and experience to do this.

The organizing principle is that of the dissipative structure which evolves in response to internal impulses and systemic feedback. Our activity and growth will derive from an open exchange of energy. We offer publications, teaching, counseling and referrals; our programs are offered by dana, donation or Universal Compensation. We are open to ideas, suggestions, and contributions; we actively seek symbiosis and collaboration. 501(c)3 status is envisaged.

Your support enables our work.

For Occasional Updates

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And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
~ Marianne Williamson ~

P O Box 3183
Washington, DC 20010-0183
Tel 202 545 0869
Fax 866 525 0247

Gnosophia Publishers I-sight Quotations from
Wisdom for the Soul

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